Chemistry, physics and biosciences form a single unit
Our School combines excellence in teaching and research in the fields of bioscience, chemistry and physics. Our many interdisciplinary research areas enrich our profile, making us an international leader with extraordinary scientific breadth and depth.
From September 16 to 18, 2024, the GDCh Conference on Inorganic Chemistry, organized by the Divisions of Solid State Chemistry & Materials Research…
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In 2024, the European Research Council announced it will fund nine projects for Technical University of Munich (TUM) researchers with new ERC Starting…
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Biotechnology needs tailor-made enzymes: Biocatalysis offers a sustainable, green chemistry by accelerating reactions through enzymes, which are…
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Getting hands-on experience in the classroom is essential for building academic competence and advancing research. By harnessing the passion of our…
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The student council MPIC organizes an introductory event at the beginning of each semester for the new first-year students (Bachelor and Master).…
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Im Foyer des Chemiegebäudes können Sie zahlreiche Mitmachstände besuchen. Themen sind u.a. nachhaltige Palmölalternativen, ein Streifzug durch die Natur mit einem Experiment zur Naturstoffextraktion aus Orangenschalen, die faszinierende Welt der Baustoffe, das Verstehen von Farben und das Sehen von Atomen durch Spektroskopie und Mikroskopie. Es gibt außderdem Workshops unserer Glasbläserei und unseres Ausbildungszentrums, Live-Experimente unserer TUM-Entdeckerinnen sowie viele weitere Laborführungen durch unsere Forschungszentren.