Student and Scientific Computing

Student and Scientific computing services operate approximately 60 workstations for students, about 200 workstations for employees, and 108 Compute-Servern (5968 Cores/11936 Cores HT, 46208 GB RAM) with a broad selection of scientific and standard software.
A number of services (file, license, DHCP, NAT, LDAP, SGE-, WWW, CUPS, etc.) are also operated as part of the cluster.
Students are supervised directly with the help of assistants; contact cipadmins(at) if personal assistance is needed. Institutes appoint a local, first-contact support person.
The service is also involved in lectures and seminars on computational physics.
The department is involved in the lecture program through lectures and seminars on computational physics.
Contact person
Dr. Stefan Recksiegel
Ehemalige Fakultät für Physik
James-Franck-Str. 1
85748 Garching b. München
- Tel.: +49 (89) 289 - 12376
Dr. Stefan Recksiegel in the TUMonline directory
Student assistant Julian Saure julian.saure(at)

Computer pools (CIP-Pools)
CIP1 (1151), CIP2 (1161), Mini-CIP (2259), Cont1-3
Server room
Opening times of the CIP Pools
Mon-Fri 8:00-20:00
Information about the computer cluster
(Links only work if you are logged in to the MWN)
Wintersemester 2024/25
Titel | Termine | Dauer | Art | Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r) |
Einführung in neuronale Netzwerke für Studierende der Physik |
2 | VO | |
Rechnergestützte Physik (Computational Physics) 1 |
2 | VO | |
Seminar über Theoretische Elementarteilchenphysik |
2 | SE | |
Vorkurs Mathematik/Physik |
2 | UE | |
Vorkurs für Studienanfänger Physik |
1.5 | VO | |
Übung zu Einführung in neuronale Netzwerke für Studierende der Physik |
2 | UE | |
Übung zu Rechnergestützte Physik (Computational Physics) 1 |
2 | UE | |
Übung zum Vorkurs für Studienanfänger Physik |
1.5 | UE | |
Übungen zum Vorkurs Mathematik/Physik |
2 | UE |